Books - Review

Coot ClubDick and Dorothea are visiting the Norfolk Broads, desperate to start learning how to sail but are devastated to learn that Mrs Barrable isn't a confident enough sailor by herself to teach them. However, help arrives when local boy Tom Dudgeon needs to hide from the Hullabaloos, whose motor cruiser he cast off to save a coot's nest. Tom, together with his friends Port and Starboard (twins), and the Death or Glories (pirates) are more than capable of taking the D's, Mrs Barrable and William the pug on a voyage around the Broads, while keeping as far away from the Hullabaloos as possible.
by Arthur Ransome
Score: 8.5
Published: 1934
Read: February 15th 2022


John said

Fabulous. Just sailing around the Broads is adventurous enough, what with tides, storms, bridges and mud - never mind dodging the thoroughly unpleasant Hullabaloos. Great story.

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