Books - Review

IceboundThe story of Dutch polar explorer William Barents and his sea voyages to the Arctic. His ship is wrecked during his final voyage and he and the crew have to try and survive a polar winter in a crude hut, fighting off polar bears and hunger on a daily basis.
by Andrea Pitzer
Score: 6
Published: 2021
Read: December 30th 2021


John said

Well a fascinating story of course but the writing really annoyed me. She doesn't seem to have her nautical terminology quite right - several times she mentions how the sailors would "shift the sails". I'm not claiming to be an expert but I have read all the Swallows and Amazons, and all the Hornblowers, and I don't recall anyone ever shifting a sail. That was the worst example - there were others. I wondered if the book had been translated or something.

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