Books - Review

The Rosie ProjectThe story of Don Tillman, very smart (professor of genetics) but socially inept, he decides to try and find the most scientifically suitable wife he can, with the aid of a detailed questionnaire. However along the way he meets Rosie, who, in spite of not ticking hardly any of the boxes, seems to be occupying more and more of his time, and giving his life some meaning, as she attempts to track down the identity of her real father...
by Graeme Simsion
Score: 8.5
Published: 2013
Read: July 27th 2019


John said

Excellent. Lovely story, funny characters, some out loud giggles, eg when he gives the lecture on genetics to the group of 'aspies' and their parents - shoot the baby! A recommendation from Andrew. Two more to read in the series.

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