Books - Review

Great Northern?The Swallows, Amazons and D's are sailing the Sea Bear on a cruise around the northern isles of Britain with Captain Flint. In an isolated Scottish loch near an unknown bay Dick thinks he has discovered a nest of Great Northern Divers. But all the books say that Great Northern divers do not nest in Britain. Desperate to prove this discovery to the world of ornithology by taking photographs of the nesting birds, they have to work against time, and also foil the plans of horrible Mr Jemmerling, an egg-collector determined to get scientific glory for himself by shooting the birds and taking the eggs. The local laird also does not seem welcoming towards any visitors to his valley.
by Arthur Ransome
Score: 8.5
Published: 1947
Read: June 13th 2022


John said

Fabulous story, beautifully told. Even the bits where they just sail the Sea Bear around are really cool. Last one in the series - although I have never read his incomplete(?) book Coots in the North.

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