Books - Review

Missee LeeThe Swallows and Amazons are returning home from a trip around the world in the Wild Cat with Captain Flint, when they run into trouble in the South China Sea. Shipwrecked and captured by pirates they are taken under the wing of Missee Lee who initially thinks she can recreate her days at Cambridge University by teaching her captives Latin and Greek. But Missee Lee also has to placate her pirate partners, Taicoons Chang and Wu who would rather their prisoners were dead in order to keep the location of their island home a secret. Can they escape under cover of the dragon festival?
by Arthur Ransome
Score: 8
Published: 1941
Read: April 9th 2022


John said

Wonderful story. Great characters and a fabulous adventure. A little bit racist of course but it was written in 1941.

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