Books - Review

Winter HolidayDick and Dorothea arrive for a winter holiday at the lake, and after signalling to Mars they meet up with the Swallows and Amazons. They plan an expedition to the North Pole, but are running out of time with a new school term fast approaching. But then Nancy falls ill, and suddenly everything becomes possible.
by Arthur Ransome
Score: 8.5
Published: 1933
Read: January 22nd 2022


John said

Fabulous, loved it. Definitely one of my favourite Swallows and Amazons books. So many good bits - learning to skate, the Fram, building an igloo, rescuing sheep, sailing a sledge and secret codes. Softly, at first, as if it hardly meant it, the snow began to fall. Read a chunk of this at the Hanmer Springs water park in the boiling hot sunshine.

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